Monthly Archives: September 2011

Left Brained or Right Brained?

I noticed something today… I’m left handed, which apparently means I’m ‘right brained’ and ‘creative’. I do a creative job – sort of – but I got into it by accident, not via art school etc. So I’m not really … Continue reading

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Train sidings at Ruddington – HDR

It was a bit windy to take a really clear HDR shot, but you get the idea…

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Stop Hitting Thyself

I like this so much that I now say “stop hitting thyself” when I’m playing that “game” with the boy. (via Boing Boing)

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Flu Pandemic… Flu Panic

I can’t be bothered to do a link dump or take a photo of anything today, so here’s something I prepared earlier.

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Lust Tower?

The Boy made this “tower” at school yesterday. Can anyone explain it to me? Did his teacher not notice?

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